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"Papercut", R.I.P. Chester Bennington

Timothy W. Carroll

As I sit here typing, I am listening to Linkin Park. I have been a big fan of theirs for many years now. Chester Bennington’s suicide saddens me greatly. The lyrics of Linkin Park have aided me in my personal war with anxiety and depression. Their music has always been a reminder that the battle is real and that I am not alone in this fight to be whole and healthy.

The song Papercut perfectly paints a picture of what someone’s mind is like who suffers with severe anxiety.

Instead of pulling deeper into the darkness of clinical anxiety and depression, Linkin Park’s lyrics gave me hope, made me want to fight.

I am very sad today. Sad because Mr. Bennington’s death is just a reminder of all the people out there who suffer with serious anxiety, depression, and addiction issues. Maybe it is you, maybe it is someone you love. These people need your love, help, and understanding.

When all you can see is darkness and there is no light left, hope is just a memory.

Love…. In a society filled with hustle and bustle, hate, selfishness, violence….. Love always wins.

Jesus said, the most important thing is to love. Whether you believe that Jesus is the Son of God, or was simply a great teacher, how can we not embrace this truth that he spoke of?

Don’t misunderstand me, or put words in my mouth. I am not a lazy hippie. “Just love”. No, love requires action. Many times it requires a person to do something very uncomfortable; like loving the unlovable, i.e. the addict, the depressed and anxious, the “weird”, etc.

Let us get our eyes off of ourselves and strive to simply love one another.

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